Thanks Baker. God Bless us all, every one of us.
If you allow your children to be raised by strangers, one day will come when you will be the stranger. Mothers and their children should be together for 18 years with no distractions from careers and no visits from pedophiles.
5000 years of that system served us well. 50 years of going away from it has not.
Men who walk away from the Mother of their children and the children are planting a sign in the front yard that says 'Pedos welcome'.
God is watching.
If the Transexuals would live a life devoted to living morally and rejecting the messages of Satan? They would go to dwell in the Kingdom of God where there are no genders and there are no marriages or the sorrow of temptation. Everything they claim they want awaits them. Sad…
Zwei Nationen. Ein Geist. Ein Herzschlag. Ein Durst nach Freiheit.
You can't protect your children if you don't know who they're interacting with 12 hours a day 5 days a week. The 'system' is set up to separate Women from their children. The 'system' is built to give pedophiles distinct advantage. Knowing what you know now, how safe is 'day care'? How safe is a 'public school'. How safe is 'summer camp'?
We are the problem because we bought into their system of separating children from those that God ordained to protect them. How can you blame the evil when you send your child into it?
They want federally standardized education so they can lie and nobody can disprove it because they're all taught the same lie. Home Schooling represents a clear and present danger to Globalism and Satanist slavery of the mind.
Your story is so inspiring. We have to take accountability, tell our stories and revive our culture of 'children first'. It's not easy protecting children, nor is it popular.