Anons, just doing some digging into the closest [0] delta to being a [0:00:00] delta (exact [0] delta).
This3 second delta is a record!
This is what I found:
I found a 12 second delta (Q inb4 POTUS) on December 15th, 2019.
(With 8kun having been sometimes glitchy to post on, a 12 second delta to reverify the tripcode is really impressive, WITH Q CALLING IT!)
A 9 second delta (Q inb4 POTUS) on March 20th, 2019.
A 7 second delta (Q inb4 POTUS) on March 3rd, 2019.
An 11 second delta on (Q inb4 POTUS) on February 17th, 2019.
Another 7 second delta (Q inb4 POTUS) on January 7th, 2019
Another 9 second delta (Q inb4 POTUS) on September 11th, 2018.
A 6 second delta (Q inb4 POTUS) on January 13th, 2018.
Then there was a 2 second delta on April 9th, 2018 and a 3 second delta on May 17th, 2018; but POTUS was inb4 Q (which are not used for deltas but for [0] deltas it's debatable because they're so damn close!)
Deltas are The Clock.
Q explained that to us on January 7th, 2018.
I used this, there are 55 [0] deltas (one is not a [0] delta, it's an error):