Anonymous ID: 16bf70 WHY DO JEWS HATE & REFUSE TO ACCEPT YESHUA - JESUS? July 19, 2020, 3:56 p.m. No.10013438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3469

Jewish Resistance to the Gospel

by David Brickner |November 20 1997

November 20, 1997

Paper presented to the Evangelical Missiological Society

Santa Clara CA, November 20-22, 1997

Copyright © 1997 by David N. Brickner

Why did so many Jews in Israel reject Jesus Christ?

Why did so many Jews reject Jesus? He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him. ~ John 1:11. We learn valuable lessons for the life of faith when we study the attitudes of the Jewish people at the time of Jesus, and ask why so many rejected Him.

What If the Jews Had Accepted Jesus? - Church Of Christ

What If the Jews Had Accepted Jesus? I. Among premillennialists, those who believe that we live in an age prior to a thousand-year reign of Christ, there is a belief that Jesus' first appearance on the earth did not accomplish everything that God intended. A. The Jews believed that the Messiah would come to re-establish the throne of David in Israel.

Why didn't the Jews believe Jesus? - Non-Catholic …

Also it is difficult to move from being the Chosen people to accepting there are now many people's in God's kingdom. These are good points. The Jewish people pretty much regarded non-Jewish people as being on the level of swine. Having to accept non-Jewish people as your beloved brothers and sisters in Christ would have been a huge adjustment.

Why The Jews Hate Jesus Christ | Real Jew News

Why? The Jews have an obsession for control - they love, nay, they must, be in charge. And so we see the Jews moving their negation of Jesus Christ into an outright warfare against Him. Now they are in control and no longer guilty of unbelief but on a campaign of imposing their will on everyone around them.