the global surveillance grid can see everyone at all times, they watch me in live time over five years with rewind of the past thirty years of my life "targeted individual" they can play a movie in my head from an input whether its some shitty Hollywood movie or a certain time period in my life. Echelon has all the info, and once they decide to fuck with you and unleash the AI on you it's hell. yeah your brain will adapt or you will go insane and not be around anymore. I am bless by God to still be here. "90% would be in the Hospital if they knew how bad it really was, Q" and they would be. I know I don't dig as much as I should or contribute as much as I could, amazingly I stood up got signatures and am on the ballot. God is truly with US when we face Satan' Tech and don't succumb. Q is Our God Blessed Champion and I personally have drawn so much inspiration from his presence here on the board, makes me feel like I am in the fight against this Goliath known as Deep State. Thanks Q Thanks Anons Lord please protect them don't let us fall Thank you Jesus.