Kanye 2020
Trump decided to give the deep state a free pass
And is letting Christians get their asses beat nationwide
Fuck you Trump
KANYE 2020
Completely out of context. Kanye was saying that blacks were never actually freed and that none hold real power today. They are still slaves. Just another hit piece by the New World Order media to protect the establishment. Trump failed America by not arresting the traitors. Trump is NWO and so is Biden. Kanye is the only candidate who will support Christians.
No traitors will be destroyed. All remain completely free. Trump is New World Order and you've been sitting on your ass trusting the non existent plan while we lose our country.
Not one criminal traitor has been prosecuted. All remain completely free. The country collapses while Trump does nothing. Christianity is attacked while Trump does nothing. Our history is erased while Trump does nothing. So fuck off.
We've seen this same hope porn time and time again. Absolutely nothing will happen. Nothing ever fucking happens. Meanwhile, Christians are being butchered. Churches are being burned down. Our history being erased. Not one single criminal prosecution against the New World Order traitors. All remain 100% free.