>Well said all the way around
Fucking love it!
>There would have been no Kanye West…
Is it-…
Is it still too late to switch timelines?
That kinda sounds like a pretty cool timeline.
I wonder if Tupac would still be alive there?
>This is a false dichotomy and a logical fallacy. Authority, tradition, revelation and dogma are indisputably part and parcel of logic, reason, and empiricism.
Dude. Your logic sucks balls.
Authority is NOT a part of logic.
Empirically, we've observed several accounts of authority doing some incredibly unreasonable things while abusing their power.
Tradition. Nothing about it requires it to be logical. Rather the opposite.
The longer the ritual gets passed, over time, from generation to generation, the further removed from the initial reasoning behind the practice the practitioner becomes.
I could list several instances to file under empirical evidence of such.
Revelation. This is like first waking up to the idea and not taking the time to think fully through. Almost like how you jumped at Q with your internet crash course on how-to logic-bro
Like, it's literally a glitch in the matrix, that disables someone from making logical advancements, mentally.
>That's pretty basic.
You suck at this