Q had been dropping crumbs allot most of the day for a number of days up until yesterday
because it's been real quiet so far
Must be a really huge Q drop in the near future, Unless it's the MOAB Q drops
Q had been dropping crumbs allot most of the day for a number of days up until yesterday
because it's been real quiet so far
Must be a really huge Q drop in the near future, Unless it's the MOAB Q drops
Was thinking about what Q said in one of the drops
Think mirror
+++ + +++++
So i did a search for another meaning for mirror & wow what a list of words
Many words a number of Anons posted showed up on the list
words like
it's a long list
so there is allot of the same words many anons posted
Just noticed TV on the news that NG are armed on the border. One NG had an M4 & side arm
Are you trying to decode the zeros & ones into an Ip address
it's starting to get some hits on it, not sure how far & wide it will reach. may need to check later