>>10018562 (pb)
This anon gets it - don't be snowflakes.
Some anons are complaining about Q4609.
But partial interpretations of this have already been posted by more than one anon. I'll take some of those and add more. (Some are in the responses to the post...)
"a rival" can be "arrival" as in WE ARE THERE
And Q says "Anon take note"
But Q ALREADY used "note" in an odd way earlier today.
He said "note the pen". The usual phrase is "follow the pen". So the shift itself is signfiicant.
And anons caught one possible meaning of THAT, since the pen in question is clearly marked as a "Mercer" pen, and anons caught that Mercer is Pompeo's dog, who has featured in several recent tweets.
Others anons caught that browsers interpret 8.19.2018 as, an IP address located in central Kansas -TRUST KANSAS, so the "Mercer" decode lines up. (Remember how Mercer was biting Winnie the Pooh)
And look back in time... one of the best known "follow the pen" posts was Q1415, with the NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!! tripcode.
And don't forget Q1776, which also links "the pen" with PAYNE.
These are just a FEW of the decodes I've seen linking through the breads today. MANY anons are bringing it to the game and the comms today are off the charts.
And what was the girl's twitter name: PatriotDancing? What do you need to do to dance.. follow the TIMING. TIMING IS EVERYTHING.