C before [D]. P serves [C]. Does [P] take the next scene in this movie?
Shoot dog
Baby BB steps. Start on the outer edge. Let the center fall out.
Have another.
Him or google Schmidt
Smell my finger.
Double meanings. And don’t forget to think mirror. Who is SG?
Tell us your favorite story from your dad. I’ll tell you my favorite story from my Brazil’s river authority father in law if yours is good.
Checked with a hahahahahahahaha
My pops married mrs Dallas. His best friend married mrs Texas and his dad sold Ruby his pistol that he popped LHO with. What’s your point?
Are you forgetting that P serves the C?
So back to my original question. If C comes before D and P=C as you have so convincingly proven, “is P next up in this movie?”
Mine was 100% true faggot
Jack Ruby was a consummate patriot. Owned the bar next to my pop’s buddy Billy Hodge. They watched each other’s bats when they were traveling. Hodge told me there was no conspiracy. He said ruby always told him that the world held something special for him. Ruby had a mission from god. He didn’t know what it was but he was ready to execute it. When JFK got popped, Ruby saw his chance to be the best American ever and he took it. He wasn’t a patsy. LBJ would never have thought a public execution like that would be acceptable to the populace. Jack was a useful idiot. And yes Mrs TX was hot as fuck!!!
You’re saying P serves C = p serves himself!?!
The Hodges are in the Warren report and I will be inheriting a signed copy of it.
I always doubted billy and told him no way. That old man just laughed at me and told me to think however I wanted. He thought I was a fool for thinking Ruby was working for someone else, and that scorn hurt. I respect Billy Hodge more than anyone I’ve ever met.
Quad dubs checked
You’re only convincing me further that P=C means they both happen before D. Next up I. The movie P serves C =C equals [p][c] fall before D