I used to make the notables regularly until I rejected Jims advances.
I used to make the notables regularly until I rejected Jim's advances.
I used to make the notables regularly until I rejected the websight owners advances.
Creepy Wallace kept talking over every Trump answer.
Q you guys better get your shit together soon. This is not a game.
None of this works without Jesus.
Love him or hate him he rules over everything that is.
By the way I hate todays money grubbing church.
Los Angeles LAPD had their yearly drunken orgie at a Boys town.
How do I know? My dad took us to every one of them.
My ads girlfriend in high school was Norma Jean Baker.
JFK had my dads sloppy seconds.
Sorry Q you were saying?
If you are too chicken to die young it doesn't count.
Let's hear your story son?
100% are.
I have letters and my dada yearbook signed by her. She was a foster child who kept getting rejected.
>Jack Ruby was the baby sitter of the actress in True Grit. Look it up.
From what I read he was mafia. not that her is anything wrong with that.
Never mind Google scrubbed all Kim Darby Jack Ruby facts this week.
Q are you a Christian?
Your movie and music tastes say no.
She died her first year she joined the not so Supreme Court.
>The Supreme Court isn't.
Q what cult do you belong to?
Q what cult are you a member of? You may want to read the Bible and loose your chains.
Board owner and site owner you may want to read the Bible also.
This is not a joke the world does not exist anymore we are just waiting for a few thousand more to repent.
We give everyone one more chance.
God loves you and died for your sins.
I don't really give a crap what happens to you.
The government considers me a friend of Tex Watson. I told Tex and his future ex wife if he tries too monetize Jesus he will die an embarrassing death. His wife divorced him.
I warned Keith Green if ye monetized Jesus he would die an embracing way.
Sorry Embarrassing.
Q trump and all who work for you. Repent , Jesus is God Donald Trump is just a TV reality star but he can be so much more.
Repent. this is way out of your control. we all see you sweat. We make you sweat. You are in way over your head.
Trust Jesus or give it up.
Dump Q he does not know God.
No I will not work for you for any price.But I will work for you fore free.
Call me. The website owner has my info.
Q has never read a book let alone the Bible.
The website owner and board owners aren't Christians. They told me so.
trump and q are lower case because they are nothing.
Q and trump never read the Bible.
No because they have never read the Bible.
Trump and Q don't believe Jesus is Gods son.
The Jesuits are gay Jesus rejects gays.
Gods sos son Jesus doesn't believe in you.
Q is gay Trump is Gay Melania is gay Biden is gay
the board owner is gay the website owner is gay,,,,,,Jesus and his father are not gay.
what do you believe in ass hole?
This website, Q and Trump hate Jesus and love gays transexual pedo diverse premarital sex. trans sexual and every pervert under the sun.
Biden is more conservative.
Biden may be a pedo but hes not as perverted as Trump.