Anons. What are we looking at here?
Okay wise guy. Explain this then.
I get the data displayed. My question is what type of display are we looking at? It's unfamiliar to me. And when I enter the URL shown for my own twitter it just takes me to my header image. Not a display like this. So I ask again. What are we looking at?
I'll need sauce and I'll need an explanation for them kicking him out for suggesting that fire guns to add dramatic effect.
>I get the data displayed. My question is what type of display are we looking at? It's unfamiliar to me. And when I enter the URL shown for my own twitter it just takes me to my header image. Not a display like this. So I ask again. What are we looking at?
Let me rephrase that. See below:
>>10017535 past bread
Q replied. Can you provide sauce for that image please?
Now anon wants to know what this image is. Pesky aren't I? kek
OK that drags them down. But it doesn't elevate Austin. But you still have not explained them kicking him out for suggesting that they fire guns to add drama and gain attention. And I'll also need an explanation for Austin waving a gun around on his youtube channel. A cursory personality analysis of Austin and Q drops do not align well at all. Change my mind.
You failed to fully address my statements there anon. Cognitive dissonance much?
TY anon.
>And I'll also need an explanation for Austin waving a gun around on his youtube channel. A cursory personality analysis of Austin and Q drops do not align well at all. Change my mind.
If anything, Austin is a filter to weed out the idiots. More likely just a head case. Until he gives a youtube tour of that mega-mansion supposedly being built for him I'm going with head case.
Other anons already explained to me. It's the firefox metadata view of the page. That's all. It was posted by an anon with no sauce and then Q replied. It got my attention. So I started asking questions. Anons responded.
Special Agent in Charge of the Los Angeles Field Office to Special Agent in Charge of the Baltimore Field Office. That's a promotion? Anon questions TechnoFog's assessment. Until she was demoted in the interim. Then maybe it could be considered a promotion. I mean really. L.A. to Baltimore of all places?
If you say so. I'll concede it's much more in the neighborhood. But that town. Ugh. I do find the city and the State of Maryland interesting in one way however. Blind trusts that shield ownership of high flying luxury jets owned by Americans AND Foreigners. A concept that this anon finds patently offensive and Un-American.
> jumped at the opportunity to return to Maryland where she still has family
TY anon. That really does explain it.
TY anon.
>>10012528 past bread
>>10012618 past bread
>>10012624 past bread
>>10012715 past bread
>>10012751 past bread
>>10012793 past bread
>>10012436 past bread
>>10012379 past bread
>>10012157 past bread
>>10012166 past bread
>>10012249 past bread
>>10012343 past bread
This link.
Found within this link.
The document is 130 pages long it doesn't really get good until about the last 10 to 15 pages.
And Information On Demand really does sound like an early version of The Finders.
Why not just give them the keys to the kingdom? kek.
>>10012528 past bread
>>10012618 past bread
>>10012624 past bread
>>10012715 past bread
>>10012751 past bread
>>10012793 past bread
>>10012436 past bread
>>10012379 past bread
>>10012157 past bread
>>10012166 past bread
>>10012249 past bread
>>10012343 past bread
This link.
Found within this link.
No information, seriously? See:
>>10012751 past bread
Anon finds it interesting that Maxwell's name is shown on the first records search request and yet it is redacted from the others? Assuming those are even searches related to Maxwell. Because we really don't know. Do we? They could be requests for any individual or entity from what I can see.
>>10012528 past bread
>>10012618 past bread
>>10012624 past bread
>>10012715 past bread
>>10012751 past bread
>>10012793 past bread
>>10012436 past bread
>>10012379 past bread
>>10012157 past bread
>>10012166 past bread
>>10012249 past bread
>>10012343 past bread
All three search request records appear to originate on the same date. Assuming that they were all going to the same place then the logical conclusion is that the either the other two are for Sue Ruge and Pergamon Intl. or two other unknow individuals or entities.