Anonymous ID: 769151 July 20, 2020, 12:06 a.m. No.10019431   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons looking into the relation between Q4609 and Q4610 perhaps need to EXPAND YOUR THINKING….

By all means keep looking at the hard facts….

But maybe the deeper "comm" meanings are different.

One interpretation of Q4609 is here:

>>10018788 (pb)

Most of that I am pulling together from various anons who posted the pieces earlier….


As for Q4610, maybe the crucial thing is the TIMESTAMP: 11:42:35PM EST

Flynn is GENERAL Flynn, right….***? So we should use military time? 23:42:35

Check Q2342: Anons ready?

(And then look at 2343, 2344, and 2347 in particular…)

"Secondly", check Q35… a BIG early post.

Look at the biblical quotation… the first part is from John 3:16.



Too speculative? Hold the thought….


Q "marked" Q2342 via an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT route today (or technically yesterday.. night shift for Americans…)

Look at Q4603.

Q highlights "renegade".

Anons know this as what? The USSS codename for BO, right?

Then Q goes on to list many synonyms. Why? EVERYTHING HAS MEANING!

What book lists synonyms? A THESAURUS. What is the most famous thesaurus? Roget's Thesaurus.

Now look at Q 2341 (the post RIGHT BEFORE Q2342… "Anons ready?")

"Roger that" (=5:5 =Q55?) is misspelled as "Roget that"… so this fits Q's "thesaurus" drop.

But the post ALSO features… the United States Secret Service!

Q has given us TWO ENTIRELY DIFFERENT LINKS to Q2341… seemingly just a "rah rah" "TY patriot" post… but RIGHT BEFORE "Anons ready?"



(for more fun… what is the patriot anon's twitter name… TRON?…. light cycles?… wrays of light?)


Anonymous ID: 769151 July 20, 2020, 1:02 a.m. No.10019688   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And who is sending this purported message?

Obviously not white hats, who would not murder a young man to "send a message" to his mother. Morality n shit.

So black hats? And what is the message? God wins?