>>10019043 (pb)
forwarded message
Businesses must provide reasonable accommodation to customer’s who aren’t able to wear masks.
In instances when a Washingtonian is concerned that a business is not complying, the state Joint Information Center is providing an online form to file a complaint: https://coronavirus.wa.gov/report-safe-start-violation
Many businesses are regulated by one or more state regulatory entities and complaints will be routed to the appropriate state agency for review.
For a list of what’s considered an essential business, check out: https://coronavirus.wa.gov/whats-open-and-closed/essential-business
Best regards,
More COVID-19 Information is available at https://www.doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/Coronavirus
Nathan Thai
Customer Service Specialist
Center for Public Affairs
Washington State Department of Health
1-800-525-0127| www.doh.wa.gov