Why you wanna trigger me bruh?!
nah man…. that target all chewed up anyways, its like I am trying to shoot that little red star out!
I did it once but that shits hard AF!
Oh alright! kek
We go one baby step at a time ok?
ok so, do you now believe that Q is indicating that Soros controls the Dem party Yes or No?
Don't piss me off! kek
Did you go to drop #3749 and hover over the [GS] to reveal George Soros?
Did you search GS to find only 9 drops and pretty much every one of them GS indicates SOROS?
So we can move forward fairly confident that according to Q, George Soros controls the Dem party per drop #3749.
We also Know that Soros funds antifa, BLM as well as anti Israel boycott groups etc….so SOROS is a money bags for some hidden power that controls a large portion of the deep state power, we can assume, according to Q, if you read the drops…. kek
and according to Q we know that the Roths were puppets and Soros took over that job, well, those of us who read the drops understand this.
Lets move on to graphic #2
Soros is controlled by what/who?
Soros is controlled by P
So P = is important?
and whoever P = is, is sick and evil beyond the imaginations of most anons, at least, according to Q.
Can we safely conclude from this drop that SOROS is controlled by the "mysterious" P?
you better come correct, making shit up as you go is not good…. and hold the fuck on as we need to SHOW THEM instead of tell them so baby steps!
The "Chair" serves the Master.
Who is the Master?
P = C.
P = C
remember that…
Now where did my student go!?
C before D = a timing thing where Comey gets fired/resigns before Spygate/Fisagate gets Declassified. In this instance C = Comey YET in the drops concerning P, or at least in the drop you were referencing, C = Chair, Probably the Chair of St Peter, Pope sits on the Chair/Throne P = C meaning they are the same thing in this drop/instance.
Oh look, the owner of QMAP got that one right?!
Chair of Peter Serves the Master
comey or was it coates, sorry I am a human
C is the chair or "position" of power that P sits on. This is difficult?
I did not say that.
You have heard that we are saving Israel for last, correct?
Did you know that 200+ drops before that drop that Q said in drop #714 that we are saving [P] for last? or should I say:
and, if you have been around CT circles for long you have a good idea of the alternative names they have used over time to describe the C.I.A long before Q indicated that "clowns" are rogue elements in all of the alphabet agencies yet this was not always how it was seen.
So, In a drop about "Clowns" we have "save the best for last" and "[P]".
What are we talking about? Clowns? What were the old names used for the C.I.A?
Please do not take my word for it. Look at what they said in a time when they were proud of this little known fact.
Yes, this is my alternative theory.
If P does not = Pope/Vatican I believe it is a reference to The Order of Constantine OR Royal Ancient Families who still rule albeit in secret.
Although the "Guardians" [personal] seemed to indicate Papal Royal families, orders of knighthood , Black Nobility et al and regardless it all points in the same general direction.
This was never about us… So here we have graphic #3
In a drop that is about THE GUARDIAN OF THE POPE
[personal] we have an image of an Owl.
Q named the owl image "Guardian_P".
Under this Q dropped [PERSONAL]. The owl is the personal guardians of the Pope. Some rush to think Swiss Guard and this may be the case yet the Black Nobility were the historic Guardians of the Pope before the Swiss guard came along.
So all together now, In a drop concerning the "Guardians of the Pope" Q named the Owl image file "Guardian_P" and the Guardians [Personal].
[P] definitely indicates one or the other. The Pope or the Guardians of the Pope. I don't care which one it is.
Whoever it is! [they] are the primary cause of all of our current problems as whoever it is controls Soros controls the Dem party.
So far this is either a very elaborate disinfo campaign or Q is telling us that P = Pope/Vatican/Papal Royal Families and/or Orders of Knighthood et al.
Now, is it not odd that many Anons think that P = Payseur?
Why would someone take the word of a Multiple Felon, Alex Jones Flunky, Racist, Anti Semite to which Alex devoted entire shows to the selling of Fritz Springmeiers aka Viktor Schoofs book "Bloodlines of the Illuminati" which tells the story of the Payseur family? Which was promoted by all the media because the C.I.A said they found a copy in his lair and made it available for free at the Cave?
Fucking KEK!
Poor Vatican… Poor traitors who came out to push this shit…
Someone must have triggered them.
Someone talked too much too much!
Not one not two but three of them and a small support network!
Shut him up! We have a lot invested in this [P] thing! kek! Furrows of Worry! Now that is a fucking wound! Now that is fucking PAIN!
his lair = OBL/Agent Tim Osman….again, apologies as I am but an anon….
moar… give me moar… give me moar!
They thought I was a Hebrew because I picked on the Vatican!
Laugh with me now!
They thought we were all afraid to die!
Laugh harder with me now!
I have nothing against homosexuality yet yeah that's about right.
I knew you would put that image to good use kek
I like it!
although drop #1 should end on Oct 28th?
Hillary Clinton Extradition
28 Oct 2017 - 4:44:28 PM
28 Oct 2017 - 3:33:50 PM
Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.
HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.
The Rise Of QAnon Among Congressional Candidates
July 19, 2020 4:45 PM ET
Have we reached critical mass yet? kek
I learned a long time ago to Practice as I want to Play and thus Invaders must die!
Practice like a punk, play like a punk!
Invaders must die!
Important! This Picture Will Force the Question "Is Q Real?"
5 Oct 2018 - 1:53:48 PM
Important moment in time.
The picture will be the signifier.
The signifier will 'force' the Q.
The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).
This is a Proof.
The Question in this drop appears to be "IS Q REAL?" and POTUS pointing at Q baby was the proof used.
IMHO if we wanted the Q to be asked of POTUS it would have already happened or Patriots are not in control!
Anons, anon. anons…. kek
Gotta read those drops for yourself as overzealous anons and/or shills will get it twisted.
Imagine the ramifications of a Yes from Potus! Our heads would explode!
We are not ready for that kind of power just yet! bwahahahah!
So, you thought that that drop meant that a Reporter would be "forced" to ask POTUS the Question live on national Television?! Yeah, me too for a little while…
A citizen reporter did ask POTUS the Question and do you know what POTUS said?