Anonymous ID: cec72b July 20, 2020, 1:28 a.m. No.10019791   🗄️.is 🔗kun

4598 ubti 4599


It was not easy to dig this out,


digging on,


I Got 402 and 'not found'


you will not find this identical to Herrridge


it appears more has been un-redacted, released, since Catherine's hardcopy


Brief explanation: Herridge is obviously using the Executive Summary of a Horowitz report. Though I could not read report even moving it to a draw program. 'Executive Summary was readable. There has been 2 significant Horowitz reports, Summer of 2018 and December 2019. This is from the 2019 filing. Note file above is pdf. The only thing I could find was a 478 page report that does not sound like an Executive Summary. However the 478 page pdf contains the Executive Summary report inserted at pages 4 to 22 of the whole. Pages within the sub report, Executive Summary, are from i to xix. Yes that is roman numbers in lower case adding another layer of confusion.


Catherine finishes email in mixed case with math/concatenation symbol and clumsy spacing, "Xi+ Vi". It had me guessing maybe a Chinese link (Xi) teamed with vikings (Vi). Goodness knows I am not perfect, or maybe somebody put a bug in her ear to be evasive. Technically 'Xi+ Vi' should be 'xi + vi' to properly correlated with report pagination and Herridge's graphic.


[note the pen]. There you go again stupid Q, their are 2 pens. Which one are we to "note"?


No idiot racer-off-far-cliff, slow down. There is ONE pen, 3 pictures.




NO NO NO! see strong demarcation, white space, a good 5-10 pix, between left and right. There are 3 pictures, ONE PEN. 2 preliminary pictures placed into one box with corners rounded, making a 3rd, composite graphic.


The answer is Clinesmith, my opinion. I think only a Q, or a direct agent of Q, could have but Herridge up to this. Page xi first, the pen points to a particular paragraph. Within paragraph, the pen has already marked key elements and a big * to side. Last marked is 'not a source'. We all know Clinesmith changed 'a source' to 'not a source'. Maybe there are other answers, But Clinesmith is one very good answer. 


So next picture, same pen, another paragraph is pointed to. This is back to Sep of 2016, 'begin' of FISA(s). My guess Catherine is saying lying Clinesmith wrote original FISA, at least a major player.  He needs to be drilled hard. Who told him to prepare it, what was the process?


Brrrrp, excuse my digestion


"You have more than you know."


Often, context, context, context is the first and best way to learn more, certainly true within this context. See 'begin' above, right out of  Executive Summary. See Movie 1, "Start", 4599, next drop. Sounds like Clinesmith will be first up to go down this HOT August, sizzle, crackle, pop. Q cannot drop it all at once, likely violating confidences held.  Dropping in multiple drops, sometimes next to each other, sometimes linked by same text, sometimes linked vaguely needing a savant to put it together, your typical Anon. This is clandestine, mildly, but clandestine stuff.


Talking of context, when you get forward of 4598 you best go back and check the original and then that context. When you find  the gift of December 21, the gift that keeps on taking, and the 45K, maybe that too is a look forward into 'Start' Aug of 2020. If you don't like what Flynn and Stone lost, I think some with a whole lot more are also going to need it for defense, then there going to lose the rest. Maybe they will lose it all up front and have to beg for mercy every inch of the way. How soon will go-fund-me change to go-fu