The Primary Sub-Source for Steele Dossier Identified – Igor Danchenko – a Soros Connected Associate of Lying Schiff Star Witness Fiona Hill
n November 2019, the star witness for the Democrat Representative Adam Schiff’s impeachment show trial was announced. Her name was Fiona Hill.
Today we’ve uncovered that Hill is a close associate of the Primary Sub-Source (PSS) for the Steele dossier – Igor Danchenko – the individual behind most all the lies in the Steele dossier. No wonder Hill saw the Steele dossier before it was released. Her associate created it.
This is the one individual those looking into the Trump – Russia collusion fraud were after – the PSS – the individual who was behind the material amount of Steele dossier lies. At least two sources on the Internet have come to this conclusion.
One site that located the PSS is aptly named (We’ll refer to this individual and website as IFTPSS)
So the primary sub source is Igor Danchenko – IFTPSS provides his resume – the PSS grew up in Russia and then came to the US and went to Louisville University. He apparently worked with Fiona Hill there:
The PSS was a lawyer and a translator, and he also appears to have spent some time in Iran. He grew up in Russia and worked there as well. Danchennko’s twitter account is now private, so you can’t see his tweets:
But IFTPSS obtained some of his tweets from 2016 and shares them at his site. Danchenko was traveling to the Ukraine in April 2016, and later to Moscow, New York and London as well.
At some point Danchenko gave a presentation along with his former professor Fiona Hill – they both worked at the Brookings Institute:
Stephen McIntyre on Twitter confirms IFTPSS reporting that the PSS is Danchenko:
McIntyre has done a great job over the past few years uncovering the layers to the Russia scam and he provides multiple tweets confirming the PSS is Danchenko.
The connection to Fiona Hill is huge. This shows that Adam Schiff’s disgusting unconstitutional impeachment proceeding based on no crimes on the part of President Trump had as star witness, Fiona Hill, who is a close associate of the individual behind the grotesque and unverified Steele dossier, which was the heart of the Trump Russia dossier.
As we previously mentioned Roger Stone outed Fiona Hill in 2017 as a Deep State spy in the White House under then NSA Advisor General H. R. McMaster. The George Soros connected traitor was outed by Israeli spies as was reported by Stone at InfoWars.
The video below shows Trump confidante Roger Stone in July 2017 warning that he was told he would be “targeted for annihilation” by the FBI for exposing the mole.
Adam Schiff and the Democrats needed Hill to speak for 11 hours in their corrupt impeachment process. Hill had ZERO knowledge of the call President Trump had with the Ukrainian President, and only heard rumors. Democrats don’t care. They want to impeach Trump on rumors.
According to her resume Fiona Hill worked for the George Soros Open Society Institute from 2000-2006, just 13 years ago.
The Brookings Institute should be shut down. Hill, Ciaramella, Danchenko, Soros, Schiff and others should be arrested and charged with attempting a coup of the Trump Administration. This should be done today.