Anonymous ID: d59184 July 20, 2020, 2:27 p.m. No.10025303   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Feel ya, OG anon.

Spent my entire twenties dealing with BS in court over tiny amounts of cannabis, which I did use respectfully for over a half dozen medical reasons. Went to jail in 4 different counties across the state. Had ten thousand dollars worth of a car "confiscated", upon many tens of thousands of dollars of court fines and fees, not to mention bull shit "costs" for worthless lawyers. Still can't drive a motor vehicle well over a decade later. Even though since the state which charged me decided to leave it up to voter opinion to determine whether or not a natural substance, which was used medicinally for thousands of years before our country even existed, had "medicinal properties". So, now the state collects millions of dollars, engaging in what I would consider racketeering, to "regulate" the same substance which they ruined my life, and many others, due to their blatant incompetence and greed. Fucking unreal level of bull shit. Went out of their way to use taxpayer money to spread lies and propaganda to brainwash the public to allow for innocent civilians to be locked up for literally nothing. Used billions of taxpayer dollars to spend on judges, courts, cops, etc. all over one harmless natural substance. Yet, now that they collected hundreds of millions of dollars annually, they still have yet to come forward to address the many mistakes of the past, which still permanently/indefinitely have had and continue to forever impact people's Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.


I fucking really don't have the patience to hear about how we have to wait this long to arrest fucking REAL criminals, at whatever fucking level they operate. Fucking shoot 'em in broad daylight for al I care, and try to salvage what's left of decent people's lives, before we all die broke, depressed, penniless, hopeless, etc. in what was intended to be a free and fair Country, once upon a fucking time. It's beyond a cruel joke, at this point. It's beyond stupid…