all the dirty ones got something at that funeral Pence included
Why did Jeb Bush get Scared after He Saw The Note from Secret Service?
3,009,681 views•Dec 10, 201
Laura is looking in horror at Bush Jr
Now watch again:
stop the video and freeze @ 0.59 this image frozen says so much
oh fuck I just shit my pants (Jeb)
we're dead (Laura)
Bush Jr broken man cannot save his family
Big Bush Sr Poppy hung
now they are all doomed for certain justice PAIN coming
when playing the video on Youtube to really see it in slow motion frame by frame
you can play the video and then use the keys on your keyboard to:
use the K on your keyboard to stop the playback
use the PERIOD . key on your keyboard to move the video FORWARD frame by frame
use the COMMA , key on your keyboard to move the video BACKWARD frame by frame
just keep hitting you COMMA or PERIOD over and over which ever direction you want to go
forward or back
always look at video this way as you will see things you miss in full speed.
Try looking at one person the entire time.
Then play again and then look at other people one by one.
In this case 4 people, Jeb, Laura, Bush Jr. and secret service guy.
Body language one by one then play the full video again.
Always read the comments to glean more insights.
Use the sort button for comments and put newest first
as more info may be posted by others with new info added
recently as news develops.