when he married Fat ass and they paid for their kids there was all mention of the number 4 being their power #.
also, he has cocks bouncing off his face and she has breath like ass and is trash.
They are the black version of WJC and HRC. except the partner choices are swaped.
cannot wait for CLAS 1-99 to be confirmed.
Guy at 3:13 with red glasses, mentions his "black african father" like americans are just racist. Why no bring up his mom and her dad and all the connections to the C_A.
put on figure skating see if it watches.
better chance of him eating a lifesaver out of Jay-Z's asshole
Kanye is 2020's Ross Perot. He is here to pull all the Bernie Voters who hate Biden. They will vote for Kanye and destroy the master plan the DNC has been working on with AOCunt and the woke advisors who got BHO in. Maybe TYT and Soros can spin them all into a WB series after the elections.
Kris Jenner is the ghetto version of Nicole Kidman in Eyes Wide Shut. Sold her 3 daughters to (((media))) for the gold. they were Kanye's handlers due to his attraction to Kim's garbage bag ass. It went sideways from the jump…but all the controlled powercopules are the same
Kanye Kim
JayZ Beyonce
Debalsio's Wife Bill DeBlasio
Huma Weiner
all the first are the LGBT, 2nd are the nail anything that moves partner
all business relationships and in powerful positions or lead public opinion. How a "family" should be.
Its ending.