#TrumpConspiracy trending on twatter. Kek. Not even going to try to convince these mindless faggots the truth. Although, normies reading it could be a good oportuntity to plant a seed. What we got as our best proof? I've been waging the war on twatter all night my soldiers. What are you doing?
When will the common denominator be played? When will the political affiliation be canceled out with truth about crimes against children? Are my efforts spreading truth on twitter a waste of time? I've spent 7 hours today on twatter trying my best to use the socratic method of waking people up. I know my efforts are for the good of mankind. I just want to know if I'm being effective. Should i put my time into other more effective methods?
Possible Q team can get some helper anons in here to guide us more. The riddles leave me half assed guessing what I should do How about some direct orders. if I am a digital soldier I'd like to know what I'm doing is effective or woth my time. I understand why Q can't send direct orders but how about some kind of anon that can lead. (yes that means enemy can see counter) FUCK.
Can someone send me an anonymous text message or call and tell me what to do. I feel like I have no direction on twatter trying to get these fags to wake up. I'm using the socratic method. What do I do, how do I know it's working? Send me a sign.
How is it fun not knowing what you are spending 7 hours of the day doing is working? I don't know what i'm doing is right and good. I don't know if'm I'm talking to a twitter bot half the time. They got so many anti trump anti Q accounts out there I feel demoralized.
Fuck you. I spent 7 hours today on twatter and many other days and hours trying to help. I suspect you are a faggot shill. KYS
kek yeah signs!
K I'll give you some sauce. I got an account where I use a fake picture of a hot chick in combination of other methods to open up TDS faggots to lower their gaurd so i can plant seeds of truth.
Nah, I know my efforts are worth while. You've shown me that now by how you treat me. I'm not a shill and I spent the entire afternoon on twitter spreading truth. You're just a worthless prick talking down to real patriots.
Fuck you I've been drinking. You saw me being a faggot and called me on it. I'll get back in line. Thank you soldier. Suck my dick! o7