Aye faggot, love you too (no cuomo homo) here's substitute.
Thank me later faggot.
Aye faggot, love you too (no cuomo homo) here's substitute.
Thank me later faggot.
Night Shift
runs a
Tight Shift
Gobcernfaggot reads warning labels.
Well, it still beats destroying your lungs. By miles, not even close.
Try it.
O7 VP ***
O7 = Salute.
VP = Vice President
*** = Flynn
It's habbenings, Pence out! Flynn is in.
Flynn has the 'Off' Switch for all the Traitors.
^^^^^ knows where the bodies are buried.
inb4 bread close.
some fash wave.
top tier research music.
mein space neger
>hundreds of thousands of years ago so they have already learned to live in peace and help other planets.
sounds like space niggers United Nations.
We know how that story ends.
Go be space nigger somewhere else.