Then You'll Know What It Means To Be Blue - Spade Cooley
His hands are in the 5:5 position
He has BIG BALLS — See them, one black one white over his shoulder.
Up on the ceiling is a shape that approaches being a SWASTIKA.
Can you imagine if MSM picked up onTHAT?
His hair is PERFECT in this shot. That can't be an accident.
Even though we know that he is Batman, he is wearing the MUZZLE of his enemy, BANE. Not sure what the message is here.
He may be telling the minions, that he has now taken over the DeepState.
BANE is no longer their leader, Trump/Batman is. They must now pledge allegiance to him.
What kind of comms are we seeing from DeepStaters? Anything that looks like surrender?
Tomorrow's DOJ presser will be interesting. I think it will show us which way the dominoes will fall.
In V for Vendetta, the people, rising up against the evil totalitarian despot, wore masks. But not just any mask. They wore a mask with a message, like POTUS. His mask is black, like BANE's muzzle, and it has his mark on it, the Presidential Seal.
So, if we were going to protest against the TOTALITARIAN mask wearing rules, we should wear a mask, but put our mark on it.
Some have suggested using surgical masks with slashes in them. Bandanas are good in the style of Western stagecoach robbers. A mask of Nixon is also good, but really, any full face mask that hides your identity completely.
And if you wear a typical mask, add dark sunglasses to get more identity hiding. If you know a foreign language, speak it in front of the clerks. Have a conversation with your spouse in the foreign language. And I don't mean Spanish. Anything but English or Spanish. Make up a language if you don't know one. The point is to make the slaves in the stores feel like everyone else is a strange foreign infiltrator.
Then, the following day, go in with NO MASK AT ALL.
I guarantee they will be so freaked by the concealed identity day that they will welcome real smiling humans with no masks.