Anonymous ID: fbaf0b July 20, 2020, 11:35 p.m. No.10030112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0130 >>0222 >>0251

Good Evening Night Shift

I have been an anon since the first of Nov 2017.


In 2018 i volunteered with the local GOP and did phone calls.

Someone called me from the Trump campaign to volunteer for this years campaign.

I went to my local Trump campaign headquarters and they got me set up on one of their apps. I can make calls and i have 5 maps of houses in my area to canvass/ go door to door.


They should hire me and pay me. kek

I'll gladly do it for free, but our family really could use the money. They did say they pay other canvassers( i imagine to go into neighborhoods where no volunteers live), they should make sure they are campaign volunteers first. Maybe if you go to enough houses and do a good job, they might pay you?? Have no idea how that all works.

I have many ideas which will greatly improve the campaign and interactions with people.


When we call and go out door to door.

They want us to ask if they support our senator, and then ask if they support Donald Trump, and will they be voting for him.

They also gave me a stack of fliers for our Senator.

They had nothing to hand out about Trump. They said because everyone knows Trumps name, and they are trying to get more name recognition for the Senator running for reelection.

They did have some bumper stickers, for volunteers and those who come to campaign headquarters looking for them.

They had to give me a yard sign they had on the wall, because they needed to go pick up more from storage.


They had space in some of the offices, they should always have a stack or supply of signs.

They should have some for people we come across in canvassing who want signs for their front yards. Maybe have canvassers have their vehicle nearby with 10 or 20 signs, and if the person is excited or a really strong Trump supporter, have the signs available to give them.

Also have bumper stickers to give out to enthusiastic voters.


You could also make a list of people and addresses who want them, and then deliver them all a few days later. But if they were not home, or if you had to leave them on porch it is more of a hassle, compared to having them with you at the time you make first contact.


When i worked the phones before, sometimes you get people who ask questions, also you can get into conversations when going door to door.

People who volunteer/work for Trump campaign should have a few papers/booklet/list of all of Trumps accomplishments and what he plans to do in the next 4 years, like infrastructure.

Have his accomplishments organized in categories like economy, Health care, Energy, Judicial, etc

The economy would have sub categories

Jobs, record unemployment, the stock market, bringing back factory jobs, Tax Cuts, getting rid of lots of useless job killing regulations, Trade deals, and reversing the damage done by bad trade deals the past several decades.

Also all the accomplishments the Trump administration has made in improving the lives of all Americans, especially Black Americans.

With prison reform ( first step act) historic funding of black colleges and universities, record unemployment rates, revitalization zones in many minority communities.

The sheets they take with them could have pictures of Trump rallies, American Flag on top, or as visual for subject on that page(( Workers, Medical,pharmacy, Judicial symbols, etc)

I'm going to make up a few examples.

If the campaign did decide to implement this nationwide They could use pictures they have the rights too, all legal.

Visual Cue cards of everything Trump has done for volunteers to use when talking to voters.


I also thought about a small booklet printed out in mass that you could give to people that list the above info, but made for voter, not Campaign volunteer to help them answer questions.

No one likes those giant political cards that do not tell you very much.

I think a nice booklet highlighting all of Trumps accomplishments and what he plans to do, and what he stands for. Mail it to every single person, (every house , apartment, retirement communities, etc) across America ( Think of the triggering that will occur in insane liberals homes when they get that in the mail, kek)

Make booklet 5 or 10 pages and also include web address of every WH EO and laws passed, etc that is a part of Trumps accomplishments.

With everything Trump has done, may need more than 10 pages,kek

Also depends on size of booklet, which should be a bit smaller that a magazine.

I did not see any campaign buttons. They should have lots made and available for Volunteers to wear.

Anonymous ID: fbaf0b July 20, 2020, 11:51 p.m. No.10030165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0212 >>0222


Thank you and God Bless


This is not just a normal election, and it's just as important as the 2016 election, maybe a whole lot more important and extremely more crucial. We need a well oiled machine with lots of grass root volunteers and supporters doing everything they can to have polite, positive, and intelligent, logical conversations with as many people as possible between now and the election.

If you can't volunteer, then donate some money to Trumps campaign and all down ballot candidates.

Also talk to your neighbors, family, people you meet, at the store or out to eat. They make it difficult with the social distancing and masks BS. Which effectively eliminates a lot of in person interactions that normally occur during election years.Which is half the purpose of why they pushed it.


I wanted to do something locally to really help the Trump campaign, besides making memes and graphics, etc

Anonymous ID: fbaf0b July 21, 2020, 12:39 a.m. No.10030323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0332 >>0393



They could have contests not just for most phone calls, and canvassing but for art work, crafts, Trump themed deserts, like they have at the state fairs. Hold local events and have prizes/prize packs like trump t shirts, or merchandise( key chains, coolers, , maybe vip tickets to a rally)

All the covid BS puts a dapper on having an actual event, or maybe do it at the convention.

Many different ways a campaign can interact with people and their base to get them excited and motivated.