One thing has become very clear. This mask issue has divided Trump supporters more than any other issue. I don't believe they should be mandated, but should be a choice. I believe they are just a placebo, and potentially cause more harm for those that wear them too much. I've worn a mask twice. The first time to get a haircut, and the second time to go into a busy post office. That second time almost caused a panic attack. Anywhere else I've gone, I simply state that I cannot wear one, and ask if I will be allowed to shop there. I haven't been turned away yet. We need to quit fighting it so hard. Like I saw on a tweet, Find your #innerexemption.
That was my initial thought when the first mask mandate was imposed. Sure makes it convenient for the rioters, doesn't it?
Trump not declaring a nationwide mandate doesn't and hasn't stopped state and local governments from imposing them on us, though. But I agree with you on the reverse psychology.
>Perhaps anons should push harder the data and facts against wearing masks.
And have you noticed how the news keeps using the phrase "science shows that masks reduce the spread of the virus", yet no one cites any actual studies?