Anonymous ID: dd9a3a July 21, 2020, 6:27 a.m. No.10031538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1539


Quick question for those of you in the Q community that are not Christian. Do you see the importance in wearing the full armor of God? Do you know what each piece represents? Do you just skip to the next Q post when it is posted?


Do you really want to know the answer to this, or are you drumming up responses for effect? I'll give you an answer, but you might not like it.


I don't consider myself a non-believer, but I think it's important to understand that a majority of Christians fail to grasp the concept of the teachings of Christ as they pertain to having a direct relationship with God. Many of our founding fathers were believers. Many were deists; and for very good reason, too. Jefferson went straight to the point with his "The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth", and Ben Franklin had his doubts as to the divinity of Jesus.


Both of these men, however, understood the importance and role of the church and faith in the community. Mr. Franklin, specifically, pointed out that the moment these institutions did not serve the best interest of the people, then they should be dismantled. Well, that's what a lot of people think about many of the institutions that represent Christianity today. Q has helped many see that "those we trust the most" are, indeed, part of the problem. Not all, of course, but more than anyone previously imagined, for certain.


I personally try to stick to the texts in red. I occassionally reference OT/NT writings when making a point, but also take the 4 Gospels themselves as mostly allegorical. It's obvious as you read them that they are all based on either Mark, or an outside document referred to as (wait for it…) Q. I take the "Full Armor Of God" reference to be actual advice to anons when digging, and being exposed to the sins of the cabal. The things that we are being shown about these people could cause some believers to have doubts, or worse yet, cause them to give up in their faith that we can win.


I also firmly believe Q quotes scripture to the enemy as an ironic form of taunting; consider that the Bible was likely put together by them, and may or may not contain a fuller version hidden either in plain sight, or in vaults somewhere away from the public eye. Fact is, many of these evil/sick people think what they do is perfectly OK. They also have 0 reservations about blaming God for allowing it to happen. Many Christians might say "Free Will" is to blame, but a devout Satanist would argue that God could put an end to it if He really wanted to, but doesn't. This would imply maliciousness, or absenteism.


I think the Christian aspect of Q is important as it relates to approximately 1/3 of the world's population that has heard of or believes in the Christian religion. That's just playing a numbers game the smart way. Outside of that, Q is a military operation. Q is a political operation. Q is a psyop to wrest control of the republic, and retrain the civilian population in their responsibilities in society.


The "Biblical" references are forced. Q points out something like locusts or lightning bolts, and each of these have scientific explanations. Sorry, but it's true. It's also true that if it weren't for the actions of patriots, the cabal would have absolutely nothing to fear. Read that last sentence 100x until you get it. No seriously, read it again:

"…if it weren't for the actions of patriots, the cabal would have absolutely nothing to fear."

Anonymous ID: dd9a3a July 21, 2020, 6:27 a.m. No.10031539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1579 >>1610 >>1612



Q compares anons (frogs) with OT plagues, even though most would have you think we're in Revelation's timeline. It's tongue-in-cheek. Anything that can be interpreted 1000 different ways is essentially a horoscope; anons should know this by now. So what does that say about "Faith without works is dead"? What does that say about why we are tasked with cleaning up things instead of "waiting for Jesus to come down through the clouds and save us with the sword from his mouth"? Q isn't a single poster (Dan); Q is obviously a few people contributing. If anons havent figured that out, yet, then I'm not sure what to say.


Re-read the drops, and you'll come to the same conslusion no matter what you believe. It's up to us to wake ourselves up, and we finally have someone in the OO that is willing to take the time to show us what sort of world we actually live in. Anons that can't take the time/patience to show other anons what they have found aren't in this movement for the right reasons, and certainly have no clue why the Christ in the Bible even bothered to try. Sacrifice of self is seen as the ultimate in service to others. It's also an execellent way to get sheep in line to be plundered.


I'll close this out just to point something out to anons. If it were such a point of consternation to have someone in the MSM call Q's bluff and ask the Q, then why hasn't it happened yet? Think about this for a sec. MSM could completely devastate the plan's machinations if they forced the Q ahead of schedule. So either the MSM is really and truly that stupid, or they are in on it. If the MSM really and truly wanted to stop Q or throw a monkey wrench into the plan, they'd simply ask. Today would be a PERFECT DAY to ask the Q, given that pressers for COVID-19 are set to resume today.


But they won't; not now, anyway. You already knew this, didn't you? Think about it a moment. If they didn't want their source of $$ to run dry, they'd do whatever it took to shut down Q. Hit pieces do nothing but douse the movement with ardent fervor. So why are they doing it? Q+ could have dispelled the masks, but he leaned into it. Q+ could have had Fauci and Brix arrested during the previous pressers with tons of evidence to back charges. They didn't. The entire plan relies on timing. The MSM has an attack vector and they shy away from that one as if they have all the same marching orders. So what's the logical conclusion, here?


Social engineering. All of it. The entire movie is an exercise in just how far you can take social engineering and get away with it. Not going to lie, this has been an amazing journey with you anons. I am thankful for Q/Q+ allowing the veil concealing the REAL world to be pulled back by 40%. But as of right now, that's what we're going to get. Traffic to the breads, even when Q's posting, has slowed from what it once was. Why is that?


People are starting to become disenfranchised with the lack of results, and it's 100% wholly unbelievable that out of 100s of press personalities, not a single mother fucker, up to this point, has had the stones to directly ask the Q of @POTUS. It's beyond unbelievable. It's coordinated.


That's the truth.

Anonymous ID: dd9a3a July 21, 2020, 6:41 a.m. No.10031622   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just Putin it out there, anon. In a movement of critical thinking, it seems like that was the first thing to go. Not sure when that happened, but it's happened.


Nobody challenges anything anymore. They just go along with it because "watching a movie" and all that. Well, I'm usually the one jack ass in the room that hits the pause button and says "Now why in the FUCK did they write that into the plot?", and usually, I'm disappointed as to the reason.


Thank you for reading, though. I miss real conversation that doesn't include placating the masses. Just put the truth out there, and let's get on with it already. People need to know what's been going on right under their noses.


If Q isn't afraid of the populace saying "We're OK with it, just let things get back to normal", then it's never been a better time to get straight with everyone. Enough of the fucking games.