Wifey, TYB
Fuck you,
Pic 1 is the journalist attempting to DOX Tucker
Pic 2 is where the journalist will be on Aug. 6
Pic 3. is the business said Journalists brother owns, along with journalist pictured and a phone number
Belfast Maine is a very small place.
It's time to start fighting fire with fire.
If we continue to hold our enemies to our own moral standards we will lose. End of story. The side willing to fight harder will win this war and if you believe we aren't at war for the future of our republic maybe go back to reddit.
Yea, keep believing you win the battle by being more moral than your enemies.
There is a reason their slogan is "By Any Means Necessary."
>If I were I'd smoke the pole of someone principled with more character
When you do smoke pole it is the cock of the guy banging your wife.
Imagine telling people that are fighting against an international group of satanic pedophiles willing to do ANYTHING to ruin your way of life, rape your family and kill everything you love that it is not OK to dox members of said group that are attempting to dox the only member of the media with a primetime show that calls them out.
Glow niggas gonna glow.
>There sure is. Reason is they think "ends justify the means"
>Fuck that. Ends do NOT justify the means. BIGGEST OF THE BIG LIES.
The cucking continues. I responded your you shill fuckery already here >>10032990