Ok, noob, here's a quick summary:
China has infiltrated the US - not just by physically inserting its own little slanty-eyed agents in our country, but also by establishing "proxies".
China's proxies include multinational corporations in pharma, medical, tech, social media, financial, entertainment (Hollywood and music), etc.
China's proxies also include assorted fuckwads in both Federal and State governments.
State government proxy agents are a backup to the Feds, both in the main administration and in such areas ad education. They cannot (in theory) be controlled by the Feds, so they are (in theory) out of Trump's orbit.
Many governors in the US are "favorable" to the ChiComs. Some governors and State government fools are more amenable to the Chins than others. For instance, in NC, UNC Chapel Hill actually did the work with the head of the Wuhan lab to figure out how to splice the HIV genes into the coronavirus. NC's dicknose governor was, at the time, its Attorney Genital.
Got it? Congrats. Now, you're minimally up to date on the smallest of details in a FUCKING HUGE field of operations.
Have a cup of coffee and read your ass off, newfag.
And welcome to the show.