traveling yet?
dat yer yacht?
>waterway to mts
shouldn't be hard to find, kek
sounds good - rivers and mountains don't require masks
>cooler stocked
when leavin'?
>>10032287 pb
report is gone from yt
anyone got another source?
or can summarize what was covered?
(and why deleted?)
CNN Special Report | CNN Breaking News July 20, 2020
here's CAP from last night and comments on the deleted video.
CNN Special Report | CNN Breaking News July 20, 2020
v imp - no longer easy to come by. not around here anyway - gov. wore mask too long and now has brain damage >>zombie rule
FReedom harder to come by than TP
>>10032469 Sidney Powell on the warpath re SW Airlines mask mandate
That's DEEP STATE reasoning
Subverts the values that inform this movement.
we do not doxx people here
no one perfect, you see this every day
you just like everyone else, no worries
have a great trip, whenever it comes
(FRee advice, no charge)
now: time for nap before POTUS
not looking for safety but for ETHICS
>suck my dick
no thanks
>There is a reason their slogan is "By Any Means Necessary"
There sure is. Reason is they think "ends justify the means"
Fuck that. Ends do NOT justify the means. BIGGEST OF THE BIG LIES.