>#Syria UPDATE: 1. So, it appears #Russia, #US working on de-escalation options now via a number of "middle men". RUS military stated earlier it's been in touch w/ American Joint Chief of Staff over the issue & there're Rus-#NATO communication/talks via #Turkey military.
>2.#Putin spoke on the phone w/ #Netanyahu earlier today. #Russia Prez said #Syria sovereignty should be respected, urged to refrain from actions that "could further destabilize the situayion in the country." #Israel's PM stood the ground on #Iran's prwsence in SYR as unacceptable
>3. In #Moscow rumors have it #Netanyahu playing important intermediary role b/n #Putin & #Trump now, (an option #Russia has long been favoring) but no details on how big his role is. Anyways, some kind of deal to deconflict is being attempted
>4.Yet #Russia still sees #US strikes on #Syria as highly probable.MoD prepared a menu of potential responses.Brilliant guys @kommersant led by @ElenaChernenko report Rus navy closed off access area at SYR shores for drills on Apr 11–12,17–19 & 25–26 from 10-6 pm Moscow time
>6. Finally, #Russia/n party expects #Pentagon pass #Moscow coordinates of precise targets #US seeks to strike "to theoretically avoid loses of Rus military that are present at dozens of #Syria/n military facilities", otherwose, Rus MoD warned "consequences may be catastrophic"
https:// twitter.com/MSuchkov_ALM/status/984207324087799809
http:// archive.is/2MJj0