Anonymous ID: d99d60 April 11, 2018, 5:11 p.m. No.1003647   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q, Praying for you, and everyone of the patriots fighting this silent war!


I pray for JUSTICE to be served, JUST JUSTICE. And then whatever has to happen after that, may justice be served tho the heavens may fall.


The world has been so brainwashed that they really can't fathom the idea of how corrupt our government/ the global cabal is.


Thank you for building everything up slowly.


Military Tribunals. IF that doesn't wake them up, nothing will.


I just want to see justice, I have seen so much corruption and evil and heard rumors of all the sickos around the world and we see nothing get done, I have a feeling that if epstein tunnel stuff is leaking that we are getting closer to something BIG, I KNOW you all have all the dirt.


Thank you for all you work, Trump/ Q team. I pray for you all the time and all the ground patriots carrying out w/e it is you're carrying out under the scenes as well.. THANK YOU FOR THIS EPIC TIMELINE NEVER THE LESS.


God bless you all.


Also, if found guilty…. ?