Anybody got the exact Timecode where the ‘journalist’ said something of a lying bitch?
I am not able to hear it, in no video I’ve watched so far… Is it wishful thinking on your side?
Anybody got the exact Timecode where the ‘journalist’ said something of a lying bitch?
I am not able to hear it, in no video I’ve watched so far… Is it wishful thinking on your side?
Are you fucking kidding me? That’s bullshit she didn’t say that.
The absolute state of this board
Yeah, bullshit. I trust MY ears, not yours.
Are you retarded?
I have no clue what she said with the sources available. Good luck trying to convince others…
What are you talking about you fucking idiot?
I have no idea what she said and only because some of you believe she said something like ‘lying bitch’ doesn’t make it any moar credible for me because I can’t verify it with the sources available.
Replying to yourself?
Fuck off shill. Lots of idiots are already harassing her on twatter over something they think they heard. Wait for the next hitpeace
So they call Kanye a trendsetter? Looks like a color blind bum to me
Paste the link into VLC.
There is doubt. Now go kys