You make a good point. As stupid as it is to wear the damn things, masks are a very small problem compared to everything else we're facing.
That said, it certainly doesn't help troop morale. We got a nice boost with GM's arrest, and since then hardly anything I would call "earth shattering". Just low- to mid-level lackeys getting picked up that may or may not result in them flipping on their high-level bosses. But's that's been going on for fucking 3 years! When the fuck are we going to see Obama, Brennan et al get publicly perp walked? So the frustration among anons is legit, and when we see the president give in to the madness of the mob, I understand anons' getting pissed off.
But, to go back to you point, it's fucking shilly to suggest that we not vote for Trump because of masks. Frustrating as hell, but not deserving of us abandoning him.