Anonymous ID: 801ea4 July 21, 2020, 2:09 p.m. No.10035549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5786 >>6041 >>6194


>Batten Down the Hatches


John @Johnheretohelp nails it!


I'm hearing some disturbing things now. The Dems/DS intend to "Take" the election.

They know they can't win, they know the vast public opinion is against them. So they intend to just take it, claim they won.


They want us quiet, cut off from communications, afraid to act, locked in our homes and weakened. until they say it's safe to come out into their brave New world that they control 100% of everything.


5 mins ago…



Thinking faceThinking faceThinking face struck a nerve?