r was confirmed a faggot again.
Hey E the larper, go fuck yourself.
You throw so much shit out there, delete what doesn't fit, then com back and say "Pay attention to me. I told you this"
You are such a shitty faggot larp that its not even funny
i didnt ask you shit, i just called you a faggot in a roundabout kinda way.
Ill be more direct this time You're a faggot.
i actually find steinfart funny. You can tell he's just trolling and he's enjoying it. These other could be him, bu theyre so shitty i kinda think its basement dwelling tards that have become delusional and actually believe the shit they make up
aww, snowflake itll be okay. We know you'll still vote for him, but you gotta act all big and mad on here for a bit.
it'll be alright, puddin
the world's a stage