WuFlood update
They are no longer stating worst flooding since 1998. Now it’s worst in 6 decades (though I saw a report a week ago that said already worse than 1919).
45,000 acres of farm land flooded on purpose as dykes are blown to relieve flooding. This may be the biggest story here with China’s livestock being culled in record numbers and now their farms are flooding like Noah’s time. They will have no choice but to fulfill their trade deal phase 1 commitments wether they want to or not. This is good for our farmers!!
94K total dams in China, most built in the 1950-1960’s. Many smaller ones in danger of collapse.
61K cubic meter per second inflow behind the three gorges. I just learned that a cubic meter = 1000 liters.
Three gorges is now more than 50’ above flood stage maximum. This bitch is likely gonna fail!
Flooding declared on China’s second largest river (Yellow River) as monsoon rains reach northern China.
66 NUKE PLANTS in the flood plain below three gorges
Sauce: https://www.sgtreport.com/2020/07/the-greatest-upcoming-disaster-in-history-and-they-dont-want-you-to-know/