The idiot is the majority’ in America. So Trump is thinking to get them on his side.
Mass Pop Awakening in 3…2…..
Because you get a feee check for no work. Ass hat.
Put the mask on if it means going back to work.
Cause your on welfare getting free money. That’s about as Democratic as it gets
I haven’t had a day off since pandemic. Haven’t worn a mask. In my city tho it’s mandatory for stores.
Put the mask on if it means WORK.
Getting a free meal ticket is the Democratic Way.
Put anything on your mask. Q. Trump. Fauci the Fag. Who cares.
Masks Don’t work. People work.
If we open economy we can vote and Win.
Again getting paid to sit at home remember this. The workers pay for it in the end.
Do manly labor. Bitch.