Are any of you anons paying attention? You should be furious. I'm furious. Now Trump is wearing a mask? Saying if you cannot social distance 6 feet everyone should wear a mask? Wasn't he just in the news refusing to wear a mask at a Ford plant and that was a big deal? Why the 180 switch?
Anyway, not why I'm furious. Had a long discussion with a Trump guy who's also a Q follower at work the other night. Like a 4 hour discussion. Neither of us can come to the conclusion on whether or not "the plan" is going to lead to deep state arrests and military tribunals, or if this whole thing is a distraction. There's evidence going both ways, and the mental tennis game trying to figure it out will exhaust you. If you're heavy in the Q boat thinking OMG Q IS LEGIT YOU ARE A SHILL, stop reading now, because I only write this in hopes other true critical thinkers will pay attention. I'm sick of struggling with this on my own.
First, what wins does Q have? Ok, you may say he gave us McCain's death down to the minute. Great. But take this ENTIRE PICTURE and picture it as a soccer field. On one side you have fascism and communism and the deep state. On the other you have freedom and disclosure. Now, Trump and Q have been around since 2017. We are now in 2020. Which goal is the ball still being kicked towards? How many deep state arrests have we had (yeah, yeah, I know, instanting shilling flag)? Bush Sr died, he got an honorary presidential funeral. Sure, weird notes fell out of itineraries, but we still don't even know what they were. We'll never know. Some think it led to Barr's nomination due to some agreement with Bush Jr. Maybe. But who really knows?
As Q has said, back up and take a ride at 40,0000 ft. Stay there, and keep your mind clear. Forget what you know about what Q has said, what you believe inside yourself that Q is or Trump is, and stay there for a minute. Look at the whole picture. What do you see? I'll tell you what I see in the simplest way I can:
Trump is elected and sworn in. Q op goes into full-effect. Q proofs help prove legitimacy, but the majority of them in reality only prove Q's connection to Trump, not whether or not Trump is on the side of freedom (I'll probably lose most of you here. Oh well)
Trump releases JFK files as a supposed huge disclosure. He pushes it back to 2021 and does not release much to prove who actually killed JFK, thus still keeping it secret.
The Q movement grows and grows to the point where most people believe Q is gospel and base their opinions solely on Q's posts, assuming everything he says is 100% fact because he's a government insider, (even tho he himself says disinformation is necessary, yet the only time people use that line is when it contradicts what their opinion of the main Q narrative is, therefore calling that one thing that does not fit "disinformation"). Looking at Q's context of disinformation, it would fit and be very possible that EVERYTHING Q and Trump has EVER said could be disinformation. And Q could literally be the opposite side of the argument of the deep state, yet still controlled.
Think for a moment. Look at the Democrats. They're so obviously far-left and radical that normal people see it. NORMAL people. You actually think that's going to work in their favor? How many normal people you think will vote for that? You think normal Americans are going to vote for the Green New Deal and socialism? How do you know they're not that far radical ON PURPOSE for optics? Constantly going after Trump and publicly promoting their bullshit so you all think they're crazy, which will lead you to pick the less radical option (Trump). How do you know that's not exactly what they want you to do? (This brings me back to Trump's flip on masks, even though scientifically they do not work at all and are pointless). Think! They've been after him since 2017. Some of them have blatantly committed crimes. Nothing happens to them! Why? Muh Durham…