Thru the Bible radio is a great resource for understanding the bible.
30 minute daily teachings that go thru the Bible in 5 years.
I have noticed over the past 6-12 months coincidences where the teaching mentions something very similar to whats happening with Q. Not Q specifically but the happenings.
On the Sunday sermon, 2 days ago, a radio recording from the 70's, Bible teacher mentions PKEK the frog god of Egypt.
(as a sample coincidence)
On the 5 year journey we are in the Book of Micah, chapter 2.
These teachings were all recorded in the 1970's and they just play them over and over, 1 per day.
bounces between old and new testaments every chapter or 2
The book of Micah prophesies about coming judgement
Tonight I read ahead chapter 3, which will be tomorrows teaching.
Micah 3 verses 2 and 3