Guess Q wont be able to post anymore. No twat anymore. If it wasnt for Q, I'd be unaware of twat, since I dont use it. Sad-making. So so sad.
Gov Polis just lost the next election.
I've missed you, White Irish Darling.
I believe Trump beat Killary 2-1 but for vote fraud. She had zero voter enthusiasm, even here where I live in deepest blue Cuckfornia.
Yeah, internet posts dont lock up any demoncrat crooks.
Smells like Prohibition. People dont like Prohibition.
Turley has been rendering solid opinions all year and they are worth reading. His opinions support Trump because what Trump has been doing is lawful. Turley will be voting Trump, I'd guess. Veteran Lawfag
*insert "not" before relevant at the end. typo.
Hi Heinrich.
Couldnt it be both?
Musk is like Dr. Sorta Evil But Not Really, Maybe.
Stupid. For only $5K, she could have gotten the "Algore." Good for 8 years.
7.4 is an earthquake TOO BIG. Let's hope they can head for the hills safely.
Musk has stated that he does not pray, or worship any being, although previously admitted to praying before an important Falcon 1 launch, asking "any entities that [were] listening" to "bless [the] launch". When asked whether he believed "religion and science could co-exist ", Musk replied "probably not".
~ He seems open-minded, so he might learn or receive a revelation upon honest enquiry. I never liked him because he benefited from the foreign Soetero Admin, unlike most good patriotic American people.
The '64 eq caused a very serious tsunami as far south as No. California.
This might be ground to shut down twat on free speech grounds. Let's see if Hey Fat Barr does anything about it, or just decides to go for more dessert in the delicious discount DOJ cafeteria.
Beetlejuice is a shape-shifter, everybody knows that.
I dont follow any of these freaks, but Kanye is getting me in the divorce for sure.
Trump kek.
There could be a serious tsunami as far as Cal. There was in '64.
Elmo can do it too. It's Elmo's World, we just live in it.
What a loss for world literature.
I say a mud wrestling match.
Black Lives Matter? What about Harambe? Lying fucktards.
Yehudi Menuhin
Social media is not the thing anymore. Passe.
They were mostly peaceful shootings.
That criminal needs to be doxxed.