is she giving the boy a handie?
Pacific Tsunami?
If he registered as a Presidential Candidate, does that mean he's now got SS detail?
Tsunami threat to Hawai'i
-Too soon to say
Go Canada!
that's fresh, and nik'd, tyvm
How big are we talking? May be small or negligible based on there being no threat to the wider Pacific.
Lesbo approves
no sauce coz I nikd it from a livestream
Acronym Definition
DCRU Duke Clinical Research Unit (Duke University; Durham, NC)
DCRU Danish Cholinesterase Research Unit
ICQ got me laid a few times. Those were the days
fucking always wanting to be in on the action of being discriminated against.
and fuck twatter
Another one? kek & lurk moar
"You ain't black if you don't carry hotsauce in your handbag!"
that reminds me;
Why the fuck is HRC not locked up??
seems a bit lightweight. How about the chair? Might make them think twice