I wonder if the news story about Twatter banning 7,000 of us Q patriots might be a white hat operation, guise. I say that because the only account I've learned of that has been @ttp13526, aka Anonymous Q Patriot.
Other than that one account, and other than Praying Medic cowering in fear and taking his feed down, I have not heard of a single account being deactivated.
So I'm just wondering if perhaps the story was planted. Didn't Q tell us that there are some controls in place there? It seems like it might be a white hat move, just to watch all the fuckstains on the left go nuts, in celebration, the way that Will Sommer, Chrissy Teigen, and all those other fucking assholes were doing last night.
What do we know? After the story broke, #QAnons trended for many hours last night. People on all social media platforms were say9ing that if Twatter is banning Q, there is probably something to see – not hide.
So that's just a thought. Our accounts may be fine. I know that if I get banned I'll create another account, whack-a-mole-style, because ‘’’fuck Twatter’’’.
By the way, I hope this is a wakeup call for the "big account" holders the money-makers who think that they control the Q narrative on Twatter.
Yeah, I'm talking to the megalomaniacal people like ‘’’Jordan Sather’’’, ‘’’NeonRevolt’’’, ‘’’Lisa Mei Crowley’’’, ‘’’InevitableET’’’, ‘’’KarliQ’’’, ‘’’JoeM’’’, ‘’’Mrs-Joe M (whatever the fuck her name is)’’’, ‘’’X22Report’’’, ‘’’IPOT1776’’’, ‘’’CJTruth, ‘’’Redpill78’’’, ‘’’M3thods’’’, and all the other assholes who steal people's research and don't just simply re-fucking-tweet others.
Nobody here wants credit. But none of these fuckers even attempt to attribute digs to those who dig. So fuck you paYtriots. I stand by that.
They should start retweeting people, because even the small accounts are redpilling. Among people I know, those who are not into Q avoid the bigger accounts, anyway. So they're unlikely to even read those people's shit. They read our little pages because we have a mixture of shit on there.
I know we're all about WWG1WGA, and all, but the bigger paYtriot assholes need to know that they are annoying as fuck, even to those of us patriots who are paTriots, not paYtriots.
Be a paTriot, not a paYtriot