Anonymous ID: b014af July 22, 2020, 8:11 a.m. No.10044169   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2 sides to the legitimacy of elections.

1 side says voter fraud if Trump loses and the other says voter suppression if Trump wins.

The country is still as divided as it was in 2016.

Restoring law and order in the country well in advance of elections is the single most critical thing on our plate.

Each arrest of thugs needs to be tweeted/posted/shared to get the message out of the consequences. Doing this will lesson the overall burden on law enforcement as people reconsider committing crimes.It also helps counter the narrative (currently succeeding) that POTUS is over stepping his authority against peaceful protesters.

We also need to expose the empty rhetoric from local leaders that say they will stop POTUS. Show they didn't stop him. If you look at their words they all come with a caveat that has language like "If they commit a crime we will stop them" When they are unable to stop law enforcement we need to use their words against them. They said "if" and didn't so it means no crimes committed!


We need to be on defense simultaneously being on offense.

Prove actions legit while exposing public corruption.

Anonymous ID: b014af July 22, 2020, 8:38 a.m. No.10044407   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Get ready anons! We have work to do. Memes #oplegend blitz after POTUS news conference today.


President Trump is expected to announce Wednesday that he is expanding the Justice Department's "Operation Legend" program to Chicago and Albuquerque, days after threatening federal intervention to confront violence in American cities.