Anonymous ID: 713d46 July 22, 2020, 3:11 p.m. No.10048449   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This was mentioned in a Notable. I just had to say something about this as I have not been having problems walking about without a mask. People have commented(workers) but when I explain why I am allowed to go out, sans mask, it's not a problem. And it is all only Guidelines NOT mandatory. I was thinking we are doing pretty good. I was even amazed today that our county seat town had many people in downtown without masks. This is crazy unless someone, say a couple of those that were let in south of the border with the virus/infection. showed up there. Ventura and Oxnard, side by side are an arm pit. seriously why one would live there voluntarily is beyond me. I have always had a bad feeling going through there.

Any other ca. residents feel the same? I can't believe they are pulling a Chinese lock-down on a building there, no matter how bad it is. It's Ventura dudes. When it's good. it's bad.