Anonymous ID: 85b7d9 July 22, 2020, 2:15 p.m. No.10047847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7854 >>8004 >>8062 >>8370 >>8400



Something grows in the big cities run by Democrats: An overwhelming sense of lawlessness


President Donald Trump is sending federal law enforcement into the big cities run by Democratic mayors, where murder and gang shootings are out of control and where once vibrant downtown areas are on their way to becoming ghost towns.


And naturally, the Democratic mayors, backing Joe Biden, are on the defensive, upset that the president might win political advantage, even as the mayors feud with their own police departments, as the violence rises in their towns, as children are gunned down.


But these Democratic cities are also where left-wing billionaire George Soros has spent millions of dollars to help elect liberal social justice warriors as prosecutors. He remakes the justice system in urban America, flying under the radar.


In Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, St. Louis, and elsewhere, it is the mayors who are the faces of their cities, not the prosecutors.


Politicians speak with their tongues. Taxpayers don’t hold news conferences. But they do vote with their feet. And they leave.


The mayors play to their base, condemning Trump publicly for federal overreach, even as their overwhelmed police departments welcome all the help they can get.


If Trump truly wants to help the cities, he might privately call the mayors and ask them about the prosecutors backed by Soros.


These prosecutors are among the few politicians in America who have delivered on their promises. They promised to empty their jails through the social justice warrior policy of “decarceration.” They also help give repeat, violent criminals little or no bond when arrested.


And in many of the violent cities, the prosecutors have delivered on their promises, not to keep the violent in jail, but to let them out.


In Democratic Chicago, for example, the Soros prosecutor is Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx. In her 2020 campaign, she reportedly received at least $2 million from a Soros backed political action committee.


Foxx doesn’t have a stellar legal reputation. Her office is under investigation for how it handled that Jussie Smollett fiasco. But she’d like to climb the ladder and become a U.S. senator.


Foxx announced years ago she wouldn’t aggressively prosecute shoplifters. This preceded a wave of shoplifting gangs violently hitting the boutiques on North Michigan Avenue, long before looting and unrest grew out of the George Floyd protests.

Anonymous ID: 85b7d9 July 22, 2020, 2:16 p.m. No.10047854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7868 >>8004 >>8062 >>8370 >>8400




And Lori Lightfoot takes the heat. She’ll have to decide whether to call Foxx out herself, or just keep taking that heat.


Foxx put out a memo on June 30 reinforcing her wokeness, informing Chicago’s City Hall and police that she will not prosecute “peaceful protesters.”


In the hours after the Floyd protests here, many were arrested on charges of disorderly conduct and curfew violations. These are tools used by mayors to compel order in cities.


A recent Chicago Tribune investigation found that of 162 offenders arrested and charged with felonies before the Floyd protests — and who were bailed out by liberal social justice warrior groups — more than 1 in 5 were charged with new offenses.


They won’t anger their base when they release violent offenders back into poor neighborhoods to commit other violent acts on poor people. The left is their base. This is what they want, what Soros paid for.


In Democratic cities across America, the shootings increase, the murder rates soar, and street gangs are emboldened. Meanwhile, the angry white woke world, with their Black Lives Matter allies, continue to attack public monuments to Western culture. And police.


This all leads to scenes such as the one in Chicago the other day, with cops trying to protect a statue of Christopher Columbus in Grant Park, overwhelmed by a large, angry mob. Dozens in the crowd carried black umbrellas to hide their identities, as they dumped cases of frozen water bottles on the ground. And the mob threw them like bricks at the heads of officers.


Lightfoot, nationally famous for her anti-Trump commentary, was somewhat measured about federal agents coming to Chicago. And the other day she was incensed at what she termed a “coordinated attack” on cops at the Columbus statue.


At least 49 police officers were injured and 18 required hospital treatment after the rage at the Columbus statue where those frozen bottles, along with rocks and fireworks were thrown at them.


I suppose this is the place where I’m supposed to adopt Newspeak and characterize the mayhem as “mostly peaceful protests.” But no.


If you’re a Democrat, you might worry that Trump will score political points by sending federal agents to the violent cities.


If you’re a Republican, or an independent with a new police scanner app on your cellphone, waiting for your firearm owners permit in the mail, you might say it’s about time.


And if you’re trapped in one of the violent urban neighborhoods, you’re hoping that your children won’t be killed as they sit on your front porch.

Anonymous ID: 85b7d9 July 22, 2020, 2:52 p.m. No.10048242   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 85b7d9 July 22, 2020, 2:54 p.m. No.10048267   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dr. Anthony Fauci: "You've probably heard that one of those vaccines and there are more than one, there are several that are moving along at various paces one of them will enter phase three study in July."

Anonymous ID: 85b7d9 July 22, 2020, 2:57 p.m. No.10048288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8370 >>8400



The testimony was part of a law suit brought by Jeffrey Epstein ‘sex slave’ Virginia Roberts against the Maxwell in 2016.


Maxwell denies all allegations of sexual misconduct made against her.


Ms Roberts sued Maxwell for libel but hundreds of pages of documents relating to the case have been sealed for years.


She has asked for them to be released as part of separate civil lawsuits against Maxwell and lawyer Alan Dershowitz.


Judge Loretta Preska will decide whether or not to let the files become public on Thursday, the reported, as Maxwell remains in jail after being denied bail.


Maxwell’s lawyers have argued that the sealed documents are “extremely personal” and may be used to “promote public scandal”.


Her lawyer Jeffrey Pagliuca has said in a previous filing to the court the sealed documents also included “intrusive questions about (her) sex life”.


“The subject matter of these is extremely personal, confidential and subject to considerable abuse by the media,” it said.


“Courts must exercise their supervisory power over their own records and files to ensure they are not used to gratify private spite or promote public scandal.”


The secret evidence could reportedly also include further allegations about the Duke of York’s involvement with Epstein and Maxwell, who Andrew regards as a close friend.


Ms Roberts, who also uses her married name Guiffre, has previously claimed she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew three times in 2001 and 2002, beginning when she was 17.


She alleges she was introduced to the prince by Epstein and Ms Maxwell, who was then the disgraced US financier’s girlfriend. Andrew strenuously denies the claims.


Ms. Roberts, who now lives in Australia, brought the defamation case in 2015 after Maxwell accused her of lying.


It was settled in 2017 before it reached trial, but while more than 2000 pages of evidence were released, around 900 court filings remained under seal or redacted.


Maxwell, daughter of disgraced media mogul Robert Maxwell, was arrested on July 2 at her $1m bolthole in Bradford, New Hampshire.


Meanwhile, Ms Roberts has described as “odd” a statement by Donald Trump sending his well wishes to Maxwell.


Asked what he thought about Maxwell, Trump responded: "I don't know – I haven't really been following it too much. I just wish her well, frankly."


The president continued: "I've met her numerous times over the years – especially since I lived in Palm Beach, and I guess they lived in Palm Beach. But I wish her well."


Giuffre responded on Twitter by saying: "What an odd statement."