Anonymous ID: fafa35 July 22, 2020, 2:18 p.m. No.10047876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7892 >>7938 >>8330

Ok, anons. Let’s back away from the ledge. Like many of you, I had an emotional response to POTUS’ call for everyone to wear a mask. We all know masks are for control, not health; to silence, not safety.


Now, let’s logically look at why POTUS is calling for masks. In short, because this is the next play to take away ammunition from the mob madness seeking to keep this country shut down, eventually leading to reopening the country in time for the election.


Consider the following:

We know as long as the country is shut down, the DS has ammunition to sell mail-in voting to the American public. We further know mail-in voting is rife with fraud and abuse. Thus, we need in-person voting to occur in November regardless. The primaries don’t matter because we know who the presidential nominees for their respective parties will be.

We know as long as the country is shut down, the economy will suffer, which bodes ill for POTUS. However, in the brief period where the entire country was opening back up, we saw great economic gains before the DS initiated “Shut Down 2.0”. Thus, getting people back to work and the economy roaring again is the best way to ensure POTUS’ reelection.

We know as long as the country is shut down, basic human rights such as religious freedom suffer. There is also a spiritual aspect to this that as long as the DS can stop people from publicly praying, the Devil has a greater grip on the country and God will withhold his blessings upon our land. I believe POTUS understands this, which is why his administration has come down on the side of religious freedom. Thus, getting people back into the pews to help fight the spiritual battle we are in is crucial.


So then why is POTUS saying wear the mask? Let’s examine his actions throughout this whole Chinese flu scamdemic (not exhaustive. Just what I can remember while sitting at work):

DS: “We don’t have enough hospital beds!” POTUS: “Sending in the military and NGOs to create field hospitals.” Result: Field hospitals went mostly unused, proving alarm was uncalled for.

DS: “We don’t have enough ventilators!” POTUS: “EO kicking our manufacturing into high gear.” Result: Oh look, plethora of ventilators now. We can supply ourselves and a lot of the world too.

DS: “We don’t have enough tests!” POTUS: “We are now testing more than any other country.” Result: Shows our mortality rate is lower than most countries and that this virus is not as deadly as first reported.

DS: “We have to flatten the curve before reopening!” POTUS: “Hey Americans, wear masks, social distance, and do other hygiene measures.” Result: Curves been flattened despite what “Shut Down 2.0” crowd says.

DS: “We need a vaccine!” POTUS: “Operation Warp Speed!” Result: No vaccine yet, but a lot of the initial caterwauling has died down.



Anonymous ID: fafa35 July 22, 2020, 2:19 p.m. No.10047892   🗄️.is 🔗kun





At every stage, POTUS plays the long game. Notice how hardly any of these issues are discussed in the DS-controlled media these days. Now it’s masks, masks, masks! So POTUS gives into them. Short term, yes, it sucks. I agree and I say if you want to resist, by all means resist. But, consider what the (possible) long term play is:

He just took control of the “official” reporting numbers away from the CDC and gave it to his guy, the HHS secretary. If the leaks are to be believed, the CDC has long been cooking the numbers. While POTUS could expose the fraud, the public still trusts Faker Fauci too much that it would be seen as a political attack instead of exposing corruption. Being too close to the election, he can’t afford to open that front up and effectively win it in time. So, shelve that until after the election.

Getting back to the HHS secretary, I suspect what we will see in the coming weeks is that the “spike” in “infected cases” will start to drop off as the actual numbers, not the cooked ones, start getting reported. POTUS and his secretary will thus attribute this great decrease in case numbers to the wearing of masks in public.

With masks “proving effective,” there is no longer an excuse to keep the country shut down. POTUS will demand the country reopen as long as people wear masks in public and use the decreasing case numbers as proof positive at an upcoming WH virus presser, so it’s publicly disseminated.

He will further destroy the narrative we all need to stay home to vote this November. With masks “proving effective,” there is no reason why in-person polling stations should be closed. There may be some additional measures put in place, such as having the National Guard there to do temperature checks to keep infected people from the main crowd (also, to secondarily protect voters from Antifa thugs whom we know will be out in force election day). The point is, POTUS advocating wearing masks destroys the DS plan for mail-in voting and stops their last effective attempt to steal the election.


Trust me, I’m just as frustrated as many of you about wearing these stupid things and I wish more people were awake to see what we see. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case, and I’m exhausted trying to reason with such people. Masks provide the placebo needed for POTUS to show the Chinese virus cases are dropping below the pandemic limit, and thus take away ammunition from the DS and give him ammunition to demand the country fully reopen. All I can say is embrace the suck, anons. Shit won’t get better until Trump’s 2nd term. This is why Q told us to batten down the hatches. The storm will rage for the next 103 days and we need to ride it out.


That’s just my two cents.

Anonymous ID: fafa35 July 22, 2020, 2:46 p.m. No.10048179   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Again, you attack my belief that masks are worthless (see attached for consideration) yet ignore the rest of my posts where I tell anons to look at the long game not the short game about wearing these damn things. It's about the election and you are stuck on the masks! Read faggot!

Anonymous ID: fafa35 July 22, 2020, 3:11 p.m. No.10048446   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks for being the. The first thoughtful reply.. My rebuttal is that the truth will come out after the election when people calm down and the president has everyone's attention rather than now with so many distractions. Also, elderly aside,the amount of in person voting will offset it.