The Chinese owned bank, HSBC, is the custodian for GLD, which means it is responsible for vaulting the gold on behalf of the fund investors. In 2011, the news was spreading that the largest (PAPER) gold fund did not have the physical gold in the vault that it claimed to have.
In order to stop the spread of the missing gold "rumors", GLD allowed for Bob Pisani (CNBC) to bring a camera crew into the GLD vault. When the cameras entered, there was a vault full of gold and it seemed the "rumor" was incorrect. Pisani held a gold bar to the camera to show it was stamped from a certified mint.
HOWEVER, a metalhead freeze-framed the bar and tracked the serial number to its owner. It turned out the owner was not GLD and did not give GLD the permission to move his gold from his vault in the GLD vault. The front page of the news had already "debunked" the gold rumor, and the truth was buried to protect the bankster schemes. For those paying attention, it was clear that fraud was occurring in the paper metal ETFs (however the regulators refused to do anything about the blatant crimes).
JPMorgan is the SLV (largest silver fund) custodian and has never made an losing trade in the metals market in years. JPMorgan had been flooding the market with vast amounts of PAPER silver contracts (fake supply), while acquiring 1 of the world's largest physical silver hoards on behalf of the house account. The JPMorgan building, which has the SLV vault, was bought by the Chinese for much less than market value. It would be nearly impossible for the SLV and GLD PAPER schemes to not be cooperating with each other.
The Justice Dept called JPMorgan bank a "criminal enterprise" due to its metal trading desk and America should/must confiscate this metal on behalf of the Treasury to help back our future currency.