Anonymous ID: 1d8770 July 22, 2020, 7:17 p.m. No.10050737   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons I was digging on Gov running for office in Wa Well all the sheaples are waking up and potus has it in the bag, But there are a lot of people Trump people voting for this Culp guy so I looked into Him I don't think he will work with Potus He made his city a sanctuary city over Guns? But It does not make sense the only person he blocked was Potus, Am I wrong? There is an Anon running as well but I am not shilling for anyone I am just curious on this shit The town of Republic, WA declared itself a sanctuary city from the recently-passed state gun control initiative. (Republic, Washington Facebook) The small town of Republic, Washington recently declared itself a sanctuary city from the recently-passed I-1639 gun control initiative.