…Random Schumann resonance post and an EQ map.
…Ah, looks like storm patterns that Jupiter displays. The symbolism being an artistic rendition of the formations.
…If you really want to know, it all has to do with the ancient skies and a different polar alignment. Man was inspired by how nature could form geometric structures, via plasma discharge. The symbolism is the record of these sky events and how the 'stories' got orally passed down, until the invention of the written character. The deeper you dig, the more 'strange' it becomes. Eventually, 'strange' will lose all meaning. Everything is interconnected.
…It's the inversion/perversion factor. Taking the once celestial and ritualizing it into a blood sacrifice, while performing the mind trick called 'magick'. With trauma from the last great disaster imprinted upon human genetic memory, [they] use this to their advantage, to keep a populace under control through these rituals. Also, Saturn ate it's children. Let that sink in.