Anonymous ID: 3b5683 July 22, 2020, 11:17 p.m. No.10052539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2540

Found on top of


TWITTER BLOCKS QRESEAR.CH! You can use instead!




You had a BIG twitter (50k+ followers) account and got banned? Please contact me (ResignationAnon):

Anonymous ID: 3b5683 July 22, 2020, 11:25 p.m. No.10052596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2616

Found this old post, but the Anon sentiment spoke to me TONIGHT.

I feel the same NOW.

The mask shit is shit and it is getting old fast


That last sentence is ringing in my ears.





#8865670 at 2020-04-20 23:19:49 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #11349: Muh Petro Dollar! Edition





This was my first post here. I copy pasta'd it, but at least it was mine. I get flamed by shills with borrowed memes begging for a you doesn't bother me in the least. A little addendum: Q is always dropping dates that doesnt mean shit, promises things that never occur, let me post a real timeline you can believe in. If in 30 days we do not see some proof of action on the part of Trump to stop the corruption and hold people accountable, there will be a groundswell of Americans who no longer ask to be protected or saved, and who no longer believe in a plan. In other words, We The People will take control of our lives and will die fighting the tyranny and disdain that have been heaped upon us for simply following the rules and getting fucked for it. The constitution protects us from getting fucked by the government. It was written to protect us from ever living under a tyrannical government. And tells us to fight tyranny with our last breath. There are millions of Americans who are fed up enough to quit playing a rigged game, and it is my great hope that I am wrong about the Q movement and Trump's plan to take back America. It's always been the people that came together, whether Revolutionary War, World War 1 or World War 2, we the people are always the ones that make the difference and save our fellow man. Not politicians or agencies or Presidents who are deemed too important to enter the fray. Just us cannon fodder. Why not for once let's come together and make the world a better place because we should and can? And not because some self enriching politician or government propaganda tells us to. Q says think for yourself. In 30 days, some of us will. 30 days Q. You will be the spokesman for the greatest movement of good in history, or exposed as the latest version of placating and lying to the people. This movement has had the most accepting and welcoming millions of people I have ever witnessed. I hope you do not fuck us.