Hey guh.
or iz u aint?
As soon as they go back guarantee
FaggotsButtsInterestedins Also >>10052691
Notes. . . Thank You Note Taker
I smell bswork
You know those people that get paid to do nothing because of one reason or another (Dark Money Interests)
Like city crews who get called back to the same hole to dig it bag up after it gets filled in aside from just utilizing a more effiecient method of keeping said hole clean?
Anyway the chat is interesting.
One statement below could likely be verified as the footage is of about 12 hrs length currently.
"that is EXACTLY what the man said that showed us. Cavitation on #2 spillway and a large chunk broke off # 6 spillway 4 hours ago"
Clearly there are some kind of chunks missing from the dam.
Next bread is #12866. Time to Bake Baker.